

We are committed to bringing Accountable, Democratic and Transparent Governing back to Vancouver!


City Council

  • Create an Official City Plan to increase rental density and own-home density, where all amenities and transportation needs are taken into account.
  • We are committed to the release of city property for the construction of affordable rental housing.
  • Change the approval process for secondary suites so that it is more predictable and efficient to provide for more rental stock.
  • Implement co-op and subsidized housing, where the needs of seniors, low income earners and the differently abled are prioritized.
  • We will work with our provincial and federal partners, especially in the area of maximizing the usage of grants.
  • The practice of applying Community Amenity Contributions (CAC’s) to rental units will be studied for fairness, reduction or elimination in a bid to spur rental unit supply.
  • Reduction on annual property tax for seniors in accordance with how long they have owned their home.
  • Elimination and/or reduction of taxes that are ineffective or unfair (i.e. fentanyl tax, empty homes tax and school tax)
  • Consultation with communities and neighborhoods to ensure the needs and concerns of all residents are met.
  • Single-family homes will be protected to secure the integrity of neighbourhood and communities.
  • We will conduct a comprehensive review of all modes of transportation for their cost, effectiveness, and use with the goal to implement changes to decrease traffic congestion and increase the use of transit.
  • Ensuring that transportation needs are considered when rezoning to high density housing.
  • Extend the hours of service for transit to effectively meet the needs of citizens.
  • Select bike lanes will be seasonal.
  • We support free transit for seniors and youth 18 and under. (This will help to decrease the amount of cars on the road)
  • Our goal is to keep the viaducts and save the $500 million that will be spent on bringing them down. We will use the savings to invest in community centers and childcare spaces.
  • Grow and expand business opportunities in Vancouver.
  • Support local businesses by decreasing and/or freezing their taxes, making the permit process efficient, and consistent.
  • Pursue National and International business investments into Vancouver, particularly in the high-tech to create more jobs and boost our economy.
  • Give more autonomy to businesses and business associations to direct and spur commerce initiatives in their respective areas.
  • Bylaw and licensing will be restructured so it is cost effective and much more efficient (we will adopt best practices).
  • Our goal is to have all permits receive a response within 30 days, and have approvals completed within 3 months.
  • Return to weekly garbage collection.
  • Free parking after 8pm on weekdays and on Sundays.
  • Immediately address the opioid crisis through consultation and collaboration with healthcare providers, all levels of government, and local organizations.
  • After consultation implement a model that is similar to the four pillars approach: harm reduction, prevention, treatment and enforcement.
  • Temporary modular homes will only be placed within a community after consultation and when the requisite support services are put in place.
  • Focus on proactive initiatives such as increased community policing, citizens patrol and block watch.
  • Support our emergency responders.

Park Board

  • full scale audit and review of all Parks Board public spaces, to determine:
    • how the community is using these spaces,
    • the demand for certain spaces (i.e. running track, ice rinks, pools, community gardens),
    • where improvements are needed,
    • how to develop and oversee better maintenance (e.g. lights on a scoreboard not fixed, field drainage and shade),
    • to rethink community spaces that better serve the community and their growing needs
  • Transparent and open review of the current capital plan process
    • focusing on a commitment for an efficient and timely upgrade
    • to world class facilities.
  • Collaboratively work towards a new joint operating agreement with all Community Centre Associations
  • Strive to obtain standardized operational hours of community centres throughout the city
  • (revitalize, renovate and repurpose) and usage
  • Collaborate with multiple levels of government and possible corporate sponsorship to bring world class facilities, upgrades, maintenance as discovered through community consultation
  • Look for creative ways in which to provide more supply (i.e. fields) to meet current demands by partnering with the School Board for use of facilities. This will allow for more permits and user groups of all ages.
  • Eliminate or reduce rental fees for non-profit youth organizations
  • Dedication and commitment to conservation of current parks
  • Community consultation on management and usage of neighbourhood park areas (i.e. improvement or safety)
  • Increase green spaces
  • Public engagement of best practices towards usage of our community parks and green spaces
  • Innovative multi-use field
  • Create opportunities to build a better understanding to learn how to be healthy throughout our lives

School Board

  • Review financial reporting and budget in depth; ask pertinent questions to the accounting team and support them to have all the resources they need to implement the recommendations.
  • Look at why the 2017 recommendations of the Auditor have not been implemented.
  • Ensure that financial information are communicated clearly for the public’s interest.
  • Promote and expand ecosystem between private and public entities;
  • The Board supports the development of sustainable education-business relationships between the Board, its schools, and the community, and encourages community groups, businesses, corporations, labour groups, civic organizations, industries, government agencies, colleges, universities, and others to join in developing education-business relationships with the Board and/or its schools through various types of sponsorship/partnership arrangements for the benefit of the school community.
  • Acceptable sponsorships/partnerships provide benefits to the educational, cultural, artistic or athletic programs of students through the donations/contributions of products, services or money to a school or the School District. The Board wishes to secure sponsorships/partnerships that are consistent with the values, principles, and objectives of the School District.
  • Revitalize and repurpose infrastructure to Benefit the community, increase income and create childcare spaces.
  • The future is predicted to be a “gig economy.”   Which means technological skills, entrepreneurial experience, and financial literacy skills will be a valuable asset when preparing our children for future careers.
  • We propose to introduce and partner up with more of those programming pieces and other innovative programs to compliment the current school curriculum as they would be delivered during after-school hours.  Parents are then empowered to select which programs best suits there children’s interests and needs.
  • Programs we will support and expand:
    1. Financial literacy program for youth – having them learned life’s skill like money management and budgeting
    2. Entrepreneurial programming
    3. Language
    4. Technology/coding and other innovative skills